First Goal - Establishing Local Churches
1. Leading People to Christ - What a joy it is to present the Good News to men, women and children, regardless of their circumstances. There are lit- erally millions around the world receptive to hearing God’s Word in their search for eternal answers, who merely need a messenger to share the Gospel.
They must know that we were all made to be in a close relationship with God our Creator, and that sin has separated us from Him. Jesus Christ took all our sins upon Himself and He offers forgive- ness and eternal life to anyone who will accept Him, but how will they come to Christ unless they hear this message?
2. Multiplying Disciples - Our Lord commanded us to “Go...teach all nations...baptizing them...teaching them to observe all thing...I have commanded you”. The goal is not just to impart knowledge for its own sake, but rather that the maturing believer will be able to evangelize and disciple others. Our primary mission is to multiply disciple makers so that they will continue the work in following generations. We cannot reach every individual in a country ourselves, but we can establish disciple-making churches that will reach their own people and ensure that each country will have a Gospel witness in the generations to come.
3. Establishing Local Churches - Our Missionaries plant churches personally and they train national pastors to plant churches. The national pastors believe in starting other churches with their own personnel and resources once they become self-supporting. Obviously, support is required to establish new churches. This support takes on two forms:
Financial support – In many countries, one thousand dollars will start a new church, providing total support for the pastor and his family for the first year and a half in order to give them a strong start.
Livelihood support – In many areas the people need a means of income in order to support their church with offerings. We have provided animals, seed, trees, equipment and goods toward this goal.
Any support is placed through their home church for accountability. It is not our desire to interferewith the strong connection that exists between the pastor and his home church.
4. Accelerating New Churches with Evangelism Teams - World In Need has nationals trained in evangelism, discipleship and church planting. We lead receptive adults to Christ and have a service every night during the first months to establish a solid foundation for the new church. New believers found to be receptive are discipled one on one. Bible studies are started in homes to provide further opportunities to share Christ and see new believers develop. The average new church reports hundreds professions of faith in in receptive areas.
5. Providing Bibles to New Disciples - Imagine being in a new church where the pastor is the only one with access to a Bible. As you know, it is impossible to grow in the Lord apart from the Word of God. So, when new adult believers complete the first discipleship lesson, our goal is to give them a free Bible to further their growth in Christ. For most, it is the first Bible they have ever owned. Providing God’s Word is critical.
6. Providing Biblical literature – We offer highly effective discipleship lessons, Gospel tracts and Bible study booklets that are provided to the new church through World in Need development.
7. Conducting Medical and Dental Clinics - It is not uncommon that we encounter adults and children with serious health problems and no source of relief for their physical ailments. Helping people with their health problems creates a receptive atmosphere for the Gospel, and increases the status of the local church in the community. Thousands of people hear the Gospel through having their needs met via our clinics.
8. Constructing Start-Up Church Buildings - New churches that become self-supporting and have at least 75 adults qualify for a “start-up” church building as funds are available. This building includes a parsonage for the pastor and his family. The new church does its part by putting in the lighting, floor and seats. Because they have their own meeting place, they immediately earn respect in the community and their outreach is accelerated. Each church that has received a start-up building has planted other churches with their own resources and personnel. Start-up buildings can be constructed for as little as $1,800.
Second goal - Leadership training:
1. Training Leaders in our Bible Institutes – We train individuals to become full-time workers through a 4-year program of study and work and a lifetime mentorship program.
2. Training Existing Churches in one on one Discipleship - Every year we train hundreds of National Pastors and key church members in one-on-one Discipleship. They receive the training and encouragement in Church Planting and Discipleship that is needed to continue spreading the Gospel and establishing other churches.
3. Directing Short-term volunteers - Over 2000 short-term volunteers have worked with us. Some are in training now or serving now in missionary roles. To countries otherwise closed to the Gospel, we provide training for the development of disciple-making English teachers.
4. Equipping through Video Training Project - World In Need is actively involved in providing multimedia resources to spread the Gospel and offer training in areas that lack adequate teachers and trainers.
5. Training Young People - We equip youth to reach their generation by providing discipleship training and supplying youth pastors who will prepare them.
Third goal - Meeting Real World Necessities
1. Providing Community Health Workers – We equip individuals in local churches with training from health care professionals to care for the most common illnesses.
2. Providing Community School Teachers and opening Schools - In areas where there is a lack of proper education, we have established local churches, pro- vided teachers, or started schools.
3. Placing orphaned and abandoned children in Christian families – We first attempt to place such children into loving Christian families in their own country and then around the world.
All contributions to World in Need International are tax deductible as allowable by law. World In Need International, Inc. is an American non-denominational, non-sectarian, non-profit organization recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. 100% of designated donations are used for the project designated. Financial statements are available upon request.