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Restricted/Publicly Traded Securities
Another opportunity to support World In Need International’s ministry through the Harvest Foundation is to give restricted securities, or securities that may have restrictions of sale.
By giving publicly traded restricted securities directly to the Harvest Foundation-as opposed to selling them and then donating the proceeds-you may be able to avoid capital gains tax and receive a deduction for their fair market value. Orlando Christian Community Foundation (OCCF), World In Need’s partner in administering the Harvest Foundation, assists you by reviewing the gift for transfer. OCCF also works toward removing restrictions for sale and facilitating the liquidation of the securities. The net proceeds are distributed to the Harvest Foundation.
You can give Securities from our Home Page or if you have any questions or wish to start the process for your gift, please fill out the contact form, or call World In Need at 330-401-9404.
This information is designed to provide information and illustration of the subject matters covered. It is not intended, nor should it be used as legal, accounting or other professional advice. It is always a good idea to seek legal and tax advice from your professional advisor(s).